forestlike bookstore


Some kind of dark, dim, cavernous, but forestlike used bookstore. There was a rumor that you could get some form of wish granted if you traded in 37 points worth of junk, and the owner, a witchy woman with wild hair, would only accept submissions in this increment. I joined a huge line of people looking to do this. Counting out my cards and seeing what I needed to add. But by the time I got to the front I was stuck again, and took several minutes trying to sort my things out. Despite counting out at least two sets of 37 prior, I could no longer find them. I looked again and again. The guy behind me told me not to worry but I apologized, he seemed to take offense to this and walked off despite being next. I kept looking back at the line and thought maybe to join the back of it. The witch wandered off into the stacks looking for something to even out my collection. I gave up as she did this and wandered off into the dark forest of bookshelves.