Rainy day


Here is where you'll find various notes, art, writings, and so on from myself.

I'll try and make note of any major changes here.

I've still got a bit of my dream archive left to go through, but as you can see I've somewhat run through my archives. I'll post new ones as they happen. I have a few projects I'm intending to do soon, but for now I think I may focus on getting a few galleries of my art and photography up. I have some ideas for the design of this website, but I've grown somewhat fond of the current overall look, so I think I will add things to compliment and accent it soon.

Everything on the website is my own.

If you would like to ask me about anything on here, or just to chat, feel free to email me.

Here's my site button if you so desire. It links to my soon-to-be-populated link directory for now: my button

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