mansion maze


I visited a massive mansion and explored it bit by bit.

There was a girl with me who was in distress. I was trying to help her find relief in the restroom. There were massive staircases leading nowhere, but eventually I found my way to one at the top of a small landing of a wooden staircase, I pretended to jump in first, but allowed the girl in instead. Meanwhile another girl had taken up occupancy suddenly through a second door we hadn't seen before, and was vomiting. Her trousers were down and she was relieving herself on the floor as well, yelling at us to scram the best she could all the while. My companion couldn't take it anymore and jammed herself into the situation so as to relieve herself as well. I couldn't do anything but watch. The first girl left after apologizing somewhat, and my companion told me to catch up with her after. I surveyed the damages, the place was clogged with vomit and grime where previously it had been rather clean. I made a valiant effort to tidy things for my own use but eventually gave up and moved on.

I had a flashlight and walked through room after room. The place was somehow similar to my grandparents house, my mother's childhood home. I walked into a dim bedroom and inside on a chair across was a sunken looking figure. I shined my light upon him and he looked back at me. He was wearing a camo uniform and had red and ashen black war paint on his face. Claylike red square around around one eye and streaks of ash around the other and across the ridge of his nose.

He asked me what I was doing there. I asked him about his face. He told me he had an incident as a child and his face got stuck this way. When he felt strongly about something the ash would appear on his face.

I kept going.

I came to a massive set of interconnected rooms, inside of which it seemed that an infamous celebrity had been setting up a lair. He'd been developing a bunch of short games with his team, most of which didn't really seem too overly complex or have much of his particular brand involved. It seemed to confuse the audiences, who thought they were rather mediocre but got themselves worked up into a frenzy over the fact he'd created them and as such, they purchased and gave poor reviews to them. Regardless, I got to play around with the games and a high-end bow and arrow set that he had laying out. It felt good to use, powerful but easy to pull and aim. It had a sleek, rich look to it. He told me he was trying something real innovative with it, and handed me first an arrow to shoot. I missed terribly, but it wasn't difficult to fire. He then handed me a dart and told me to fire it. I was very nervous about shooting a sharp dart from a bow, as a miss-hold would result in it going right into my other fingers. Nevertheless I tried doing it a few times, usually overcompensating.

He showed me a light gun style game on an old crt they had made set up to only work with this dart. You had to sling the dart into the TV to hit the bad guys on screen. I realized the issue with this immediately, but he said that it was the point. So I tried it a few times, missing over and over due to not wanting to break the tv nor to hit my hand. Eventually I gave up and picked up the dart and just threw it. He shrugged. It pinged off the TV the first time as I hit a bad guy. I picked it up and threw it again and it lodged itself inside and shattered a hole into the screen. He and his buddy feigned making a big scene about it. He invited me to stay the night because it was getting late. I ended up leaving after.