

I was trapped in a house for a death game. I had survived a night of this when suddenly a delivery appeared at the front of the house. Many big boxes. I knew they contained people ready to kill. I even spotted one through a gap in the box.

Several killers were let loose inside, and I had to do what I could to survive. I snuck around while they were still preparing and picked off a few of them. I ran across a kid they dragged into it. And told him to go out of sympathy. He had a scarred up and deformed face. His parent was another killer and was enraged when he listened.

I snuck around with knives, stabbing them in the back when possible. I finally came across someone who had stolen my favorite knife, I flew into a rage and yanked it back, slicing his face to ribbons with a focus on his eyes. He slumped down, dead.