liberty bell climb


I was visiting a weird version of Philly on a special trip. Got a haircut, a buzzcut on the cheap, just outside the liberty bell pavilion. Then I began climbing up the veritable maze of the long, tall complex, finding interesting lookout points the whole while. Eventually, at dawn, got to the top and stood up at the bell lookout. I took a picture of the overlook just as it rang out. My parents complained at me for blocking their shot. The top was shaped akin to a sort of mayan style pyramid with a set of columns jutting out on top in an arc. The blueyellow light of the dawn made the whole complex take on a mystical air. I went inside to navigate the way down. It looked like a children's museum. Steep and hidden stairwells covered in cushy fabric jutting at strange angles. Loads and loads of odd statues that looked like underwater coral, but made of glass, gating off areas like prison bars. Rising up from balcony walls. There was a giant screen projected on the opposite ceiling of a cushy staircase that dropped off precipitously. It all gave the impression of the danger of heights nonetheless. Somehow the cost of entry was 6k, and the total cost was 69k. My parents said they'd help cover the 6k and the rest was covered by the trip fund. Later I inspected my own head (it just popped right off, yet I was still looking from where my eyes were before) to look at my haircut from all angles. It was a shoddy buzzcut, with tufts of hair sticking out randomly, especially around the base of the neck.