swamp and nukes


I was at some sort of swamp-house built on stilts in the middle of a strange country, there were wetlands with stones and we sat outside a lovely mansion-esque house with large windows and handsome wooden floors stained a light brown. Trees surrounded the lake-swamp wetlands, and from the clearing in the trees you could see miles and miles and miles away, far-off in the distance, city-states. I knew the location I was at was at war with them but I didn't know why. I vaguely remember some indication of non-action coming from the other rival city states, which could be seen through the haze down to them, far away. In response we launched rockets far far up from hidden silos somewhere nearby. I knew these were nuclear, but for some reason I figured that we were going to blast them high up in the sky as a warning, and not as an attack. We went about our day as normal after and had a few normal conversations. Some time later I recalled the rockets as they streaked down from the sky to their targets. I saw them impact several of the countries far away, vaporizing them in massive mushroom clouds. On our land several struck as well! But for whatever reason they remained intact. The engines of the rockets stuck out above the soft ground, still twitching and blasting out massive flames. I knew it was hopeless but it struck me as a good time to run away. I ran and sloshed through the wetlands, clambering on stepping stones and pier-decks attached the house when I could as I tried to make my way to the forest edge. I disappeared into the woods.