exotic fruits


At some sort of street fair festival. I end up getting chased down by an old former classmate who was playing baseball. He beans me with the ball completely unnecessarily. I tackle him back and pin him with someone's help. As he gets dragged off I call him a shorty, which seems to infuriate him. Eventually while I'm at a drink stand realizing half my money is fake (its all vouchers for money in towns in Shenandoah I got as change from a park on skyline drive) he shows up again. I actually felt kinda bad about the whole thing so I apologize, but he still wants to fight. I let him get a couple light blows in while protecting sensitive parts, but he claims beaning someone doesn't hurt at all, at which point I get him dragged off again. I get back in line and end up having to break a 20 for a 2 dollar drink. I peer into the bag of a shopper and see all sorts of bizarre exotic fruits, I ask where she got them and if its within walking distance. But she seems flustered by the question and isn't able to answer clearly.