bugging out
Published:My bugout bag is not packed. I can hear people in the next apartment over. They are doing something awful. They are killing the residents. I hastily pack but I keep forgetting where things are. I grab the wrong duffel bag, I am looking for my food. I sense that the people in the next apartment are looking to bust into mine. There is a thin part of my wall now, and a perfect circle sliced out of it.
I ready myself with my axe and wait for them to bust through. As I see an arm, I swing. Two goons lumber through the new, giant hole in my wall. I begin swinging at their heads but it feels slow and sluggish. I cannot do any damage to them. I hit one with the sharp side and one with the blunt end on the backswing. "What is that?? "he bellows. I am saved, by someone, somehow. And the two goons disappear. I continue rummaging.
As I realize I don't have any food in my pack at all, I notice a massive bear through the windows, coming towards the house. His spiky form passes by my window. I try and keep quiet but it is difficult. I find a few small packets of food and stuff them away. I keep stuffing different things into the bag that seem like they might be useful. The bear notices me through the walls, from the sound, and begins trying to break in. As it slams itself against the wall. I finally find my duffel bag full of readymade meals. I've turned on the tv and lights in this room as a distraction and I run, leaping out a window as I hear the door cave in. I hope that it will linger in the house for at least a while. I don't even have time to stash away my food.
I run through the yard wishing I had a gun as the bear chases me from far away. I run and run, round the corner and spot a few rifles just laying there. One is an AR, and one is some kind of sniper, a huge one, what seems to be an anti material rifle. I grab it and begin loading it with the nearby ammo. As I do a patrol of a bunch of women round the corner and spot me aiming at them waiting for the bear. They begin yelling at me angrily. I see no choice but to continue aiming there, seeing as the bear will be there soon. They begin arming themselves. However a large armored vehicle rounds the corner and sees them. It clocks them as some sort of threat and begins firing on them. I try and shoot the bear that is still bearing down upon us, but my gun won't fire. I discover that it needs gas to ignite. I ditch it and run away.
I try and repack my bag to fit in all the food. It seems that I have stuffed many useless things in here. The majority of the bag is full of sticks tangled up in fishing line. It is a big pain to get them out, but I work at it and eventually I do. I stuff all the food inside.
I have been picked up by a giant bus driven by a friendly survivalist, and so has a buddy of mine. He has the RV set on "autopilot" somehow, and we are barreling down remote forest roads. We've been having dinner and shooting the shit, trading stories and tips. I watch the trees go by, and suddenly there's some kind of creature on the opposite side of the RV, banging against it, trying to get in. The survivalist tells us not to worry about it too much. We continue on down the dim road.