assassination mission
Published:I was on an assassination mission to kill an ex or perhaps would be president. My only weapon was a vial of goo. Useless on its own. I was to splash my target with it and return to my handler so they could press a button. If I left the mission area it'd also blow up.
The problem was that no one knew exactly what my target looked like. I had to go on instinct and a few quirks I was told about.
I went inside the government building, a military base. I walked meaningfully to avoid notice. I came to a restricted area, white hallways on one side and a wood paneled office with windows that looked out into it on the other.
I ducked inside and accidentally dropped my vial, I looked round on my hands and knees and finally grabbed it. Then I heard voices outside. I kept crouched, when a secretaryesque woman entered I awkwardly pretended to be looking for contacts on the ground. Soon the coast was clear and I got up and walked. I felt finding my target was hopeless and the walls closing in. So I looked for someone to splash so I could return. There was a panel of three people reviewing something. One of them was an important and annoying looking guy, so I discretely splashed him and went on my way.
I found my handler, an older woman, wandering the halls. I told her to push the button, then I demanded she push the button. She did and an explosion rocked the building. I was amped up and began to run away. For some reason no one stopped me. As I got away from the mission area I was told I did a good job, I had killed the target just as instructed. They wanted to know how I did it. I told them I did it on instinct. They were aghast.
I was taken in to a prison crew, the sort that are being transported from one place to another. I was with two other assassins in a similar situation, friends of mine. They were to put us on a plane, but I had a feeling they'd kill us at any time. I ran off, weaving through the outdoor complex, they ran after me and for some reason did not shoot. I kept going until I came to a dead end, a high security nuclear complex that said NO ENTRY on the gate. A few scientists were exiting the building and gawked at me hiding behind an entrance column. The crew slowly approached, and I gave myself up.
At the airport I was sure of our impending death. Yet nothing yet had happened. I was being separated from my friends, as they were boarding a different plane. I finally asked if they were killing us. One of the handlers laughed and said our intuition was too valuable for that. I was being sent on a very special assignment. They were stitching together a body for me to inhabit and puppet, stitching it together through dimensions. Every molecule of my body would have a corresponding f molecule in this alternate world. I was to explore hell itself.